
sort of suck.

So I don't know if anyone's been paying attention.

But, as of late, I've been sort of sucking at running.

In August?

I ran 10 miles.


That's a third of the mileage I did in July. And I thought I skipped a lot of runs in July.

I'm not really sure what the problem is. I'm just letting myself off the hook way to easily lately. I even skipped a series of long runs. (eek)

I'm not sure how to remedy this situation. The current plan is to stick hard to my schedule.

I've already failed at it, but it's still the plan. I'm going to stick even HARDER to it now, making it a priority. I could use some encouragement. And prodding, if you're up to it.

I'm temporarily going to be logging every run within a couple hours of completing it.

If you're keeping track, this means there should be a report no later than 9:00pm every MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. No questions asked.

I hope everyone else's training is going better than my own. I'm getting pret-ty nervous about the upcoming 10K. I have 7 weeks left though, and I've done 5.5 so I know I can do 6. I was just hoping I'd be ... better ... than I am right now.


Pokey said...

I suck too ;)

Time to pick yourself up and get back on the running wagon.....you can do it!!!!

(and you dont really suck :)

Aaron Cunningham said...

Just a bad spell. I'm not going to make excuses for you, but I'm pretty sure your a grad student, and that takes up a hell of a lot of time and energy.

Than being said. strap them shoes on and get to work. :) Drink more water, too. :)

7 weeks and you've done 5.5? No sweat. So you're not as fast as you'd like... Run more. :)